For those of us with families, life insurance must be a staple of our financial portfolio. Whether you own Term or Whole life is of no consequence to the greater consideration, which is that you cover the financial needs of your family /loved ones in the event of your untimely demise. Term life insurance is now less expensive than ever before. For small money, a family can ensure that losing a home is not a possibility and that “college age” children will not be saddled with huge student loans to complete their education. As a former Northwestern Mutual Agent, Taunton learned the science of life insurance. He also learned that one carrier does not fit all. Extremely healthy people are easy to insure. However, people in “less than perfect health” need life insurance too. Over the past seventeen years, The Taunton Brokerage has taken the time to seek out the appropriate insurer that will meet the needs of the insured without breaking the bank. Captive agents are programmed to write 100 lives a year or more. In most cases, there is simply no way that they can invest the time necessary (many months in some cases) to get a difficult case approved, particularly when they don’t have access to carriers which may be able to write the particular risk. Having developed the necessary knowledge and carrier appointments, we look forward to helping prospective insureds with these type of situations.